Sunday, September 28, 2014

Pittsburg Lake 2014

Here are some pics of our awesome scout overnighter to Pittsburg lake in American Fork canyon. It is one of my favorite overnight trips, the hike is short and very steep but well worth the effort.

Ready to hit the trail

Jordan and Jonah

Aiden and Tyler, they're still smiling, indicating that we had not started up the steep part yet

Cody, still going strong

Austin  did a great job despite having a backpack that was nearly as big as he is

No, that's not my backpack, I just like to try out random peoples backpacks, you know, just to get a feel for them, try em' out a little.

It may look like Andrew is wearing a backpack but take a closer look

Robert has a big smile on his face as he walked into camp!

When we got to the lake some of the boys got to see a moose, which I'm sure they quickly scared away

Finally the moment everyone had been looking for from the start..time to grub out!!

The weather was pretty good for the entire hike, and it didn't start raining until later that night.

We thought it would be a good idea to just sleep on the floor of the wasn't!

Trying to keep the wind out, unfortunately we would soon discover that the plastic would've been better served on the roof

Aiden had to add his name to what he calls the "Family Wall"

At about midnight it started to rain, and we soon discovered that the cabin roof isn't waterproof at all. We ended up setting up 3 tents inside the cabin. Austin slept through the whole thing so after we got the boys tent set up Dave and I just picked him up and gently tossed him in the tent

It was pretty awesome to wake up surrounded by fog

Andrew and Cody reelin' in some big ones

Cody with his trophy catch, that was about as big as they got up there

Here's Aiden being his usual dorky self

Here's Tyler after discovering that squirrels like chocolate muffins just as much as he does, fortunately I had an extra

The old cabin is getting quite torn up, so many people are too lazy to get their own firewood that they will destroy a piece of history to have a fire

Jordan, looking awesome standing on an old footing

Yes that is a fish in his hands

Trying to stay out of the rain, you got to love the make shift garbage bag poncho! They've kept scouts moderately dry for decades

Rolling up inside the cabin, which wasn't much dryer then outside

In spite of the garbage bag ponchos we took a pretty good picture (from a distance)

Awesome fall colors!

Gibby is a self proclaimed master of the "Selfie", he says it's more then just simply taking a pic of ones's an art. When I asked him for some tips he refused and said the master never reveals his secrets, afterward I attempted to take a selfie and just ended up with a photo of my knee

Here's another selfie, believe it or not he is actually holding the camera that took this pic. that's how good he is at taking a selfie!!

Tyler, who nearly died of hypothermia and frost bite (according to him), had to borrow a hoodie from Dave and refused to take his arms out.

Brayden, wearing a double poncho. I thought it was odd because after the hike he neatly folded up the clear plastic one for future use and threw away the green fabric one.

Me and Aiden, this was the 11 year old scouts first backpacking overnighter

I'm not really sure what's going on here but I assure you that Tyler is not being injured, or muzzled in any way

Tyler refused to take his arms out so we had to strap his backpack to his chest, which also served as padding for when he fell (4 times)

Here's Dave keeping Tyler from doing an "Endo" on the steep part

What a good wittle boy, oh yes you are, oh yes you are

Just getting down the steep part, which I like to call the "meat grinder"

Looks like the chest pack came in handy

Has anyone seen Tyler? all I see is a bush wearing a garbage bag

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