Monday, March 4, 2013

Night Hike Aug. 19-20, 2011


Last Friday I took the Scouts on a Night Hike, which is a hike consisting of hiking at night.

We started out at the top of Farview canyon, hiked along Skyline Drive and ended at the bottom of Pleasant Creek (Mt. Pleasant canyon) our highest elevation was 10000 feet ending at about 7000 feet, there was a lot of downhill.
Me, Hunter, Drew, Jacob and Tim Skinner
Getting started at about 8:00 pm.

My parents were nice enough to shuttle us up to the top. It was the weekend of the Bow hunt so in the beginning we saw quite a few people, and got dusted by a few trucks, but after dark we didn't see anyone else.

There's still snow up there, I wanted to whitewash Hunter but I think he is still holding a grudge at me for accidentally hitting him in the back of the head with a volleyball last week. I'm also sure he's never forgiven me for that time I accidentally shot him in the forehead with an airsoft gun.

The moon was out but there are so many trees that shaded us we still had to use headlamps.

Dinner time, we stopped halfway down and cooked up some Mountain House meals. I had brought a ton of water but we hardly used any because it was nice and cool.

We reached the truck at 3:00 AM. The hike was approximately 18 miles. We were all pretty beat and ready for bed so we wasted no time getting to our camp site.

The next morning, we had a hard time getting up and going. The boys slept in hammocks and Tim and I slept on cots in the bed of my truck it was sweet.
The next morning we went to my parents house and my mom made us an amazing breakfast before we headed home.

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