Sunday, June 10, 2012

Pittsburg Lake 2010

Pittsburg Lake is one of the coolest little lakes in Utah County. We try to go every year. We have had the opportunity to take the boys for the last 3 years in a row, and hopefully will continue the tradition.

I didn't take many pics. so if anyone isn't here Im sorry.

We Arrived Aug. 17 in the afternoon, it is a short 1.5 mile hike but very steep in spots, totally worth the hike! We had some easy Mtn. House dinners, played some awesome Air soft games, and had fun around the fire. We had a lot of guns get broken including, Zdoggs, Baldens, and Chylers, but we had extras so everyone played.

Alex Adair Raab, Tyler Hill, Kaden Eyre, Fred Hermansen, Hunter Paulsen, Spencer Moore, Zach Adams, Koy Dibb, Chyler Durrant, Dave Balden.

This old Cabin is from back in the day when the canyon was full of mines. Unfortunately it is slowly being torn apart by campers too lazy to search for natural firewood.

Chillin around the fire getting ready for some sweet Air Soft action!

This is Spencer picking up Air Soft ammo after accidentally spilling Chylers brand new jug. Fortunately Chyler is crazy easy going and didn't get the least bit angry. It should also be noted that Chyler brought a ton of candy and willingly shared ALL of it with the boys, he also had 3 large ice waters that he gladly let everyone drink.

Koy, Kaden, and Hunter slept in hammocks in the cabin.

Throwing rocks

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